"A real
decision is measured by the fact that you have taken new action." ~Tony
"It is literally true that you can succeed best and
quickest by helping others to succeed." ~Napoleon Hill
have no guarantee of tomorrow. If you want to express love, you had
better do it now." ~Rick Warren
rather fail at something I love, than succeed at something I hate." ~
George Burns
"When you
come to the table you either have the menu or you are the menu." ~John
A new year brings such hopes and a new determination to
develop new routines and new habits. The ambition to try something new, to
stick with that exercise plan, to take a chance at a new opportunity to prove
your abilities. Yet most New Year's resolutions fail by sometime in February.
The secret to success in a New Year's resolution is like Stephen Covey teaches.
"Think carefully about your commitments before you make them. Make a
commitment and keep it, but only make it if you intend to keep it." This
includes commitments to yourself as in a New Year's resolution. As well as to
others, as in with your work associates, family members, and so forth. It is as
if motivation gets you going but internal commitment and discipline keep you going.
The new year inspires everyone to feel motivated with a breath of freshness,
but what happens when the going gets tough a few weeks into it? Only those with
a firm resolve will continue.
In life you can either live with discipline or regret. Don’t mistake movement for
achievement. It’s easy to get faked out by being busy. The question is busy
doing what? Is it the action that you had actually intended or is it just
something that you hope will be good enough to get by? Have hope in your
accomplishments but never hope more than you work. Hope is a fuel, but not a
strategy. Work will always do more for you than hope.
Make this year the best ever by making commitments and
keeping them. By setting new goals and achieving them. By believing in yourself
and your abilities. By hoping for a brighter future and most of all working
hard towards it. Happy New Year!