Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013 Focus Point

September 30, 2013
Focus Point

Is Your Mind Wandering?

It happens to all of us: You are working away at a project and the next thing you know, your mind is somewhere else. I recently read an article by Dan Goleman where he discussed the fact that our minds wander on average 50% of the time. Harvard Researchers found that often times when we are doing something, we are actually thinking of something else. This is called the Thinking-Doing Gap. The biggest gap and disconnect unfortunately is at work. The following are ideas to help sharpen our focus and increase productivity.

First, start with your digital communication such as any social media site or other websites that are not pertaining to your work. Anything that is not vital to your work and production, close it down. Also ask yourself: How can I more effectively manage time in my e-mail and inbox?

Secondly, invest 5 minutes in the morning to prioritize your tasks of the day. Practice the discipline to start with the most important item, resisting the urge to jump from task to task, but rather complete the first before moving to the second and so on. If you only accomplish two of ten tasks IF they are the most important, you are operating at 80% efficiency.

Third, invest 5 minutes at the end of the work day to review your work and make note of adjustments for the next day. Focus is a great word, don't you think? I believe that focus will clear your mind and give you more energy.

For more great ideas read: Focus, The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Dan Goleman

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