Saturday, March 23, 2013

April 1, 2013 Focus Point

The Power of Thought.

Our thoughts literally create our DAILY EXPERIENCE. The power of thought is alive and well in our lives, even if we do not understand or believe it.

What this means is that we are today where our thoughts have brought us, and we will also be tomorrow at a point that is in perfect harmony with our thoughts of today.

We need not be worried or scared about if we are thinking properly, but we do need to be aware of how we are thinking and feeling, and ask ourselves this question. Are my thoughts and feelings in harmony with what it is that I want to accomplish in life? Because you see, if you think in positive terms, you will get positive results, and if you think in negative terms you will get negative results.

Now, the most wonderful part of it all. We can choose, the power is in us, and we can choose to make adjustments where needed. As Earl Nightingale taught: "if we want to change our results we need only to change our thinking"

To ponder this week: How is my thinking?

Remember. Whatever it takes you can learn.


  1. I am of the same mindset Trent. Positive thinking attracts positive people. I cannot agree more hardily. Congrats on your new found opportunity. You will do wonderful!!!

  2. I love it Trent!! You are amazing! This sounds like such a great journey you are embarking on and I wish you every success! You will be a great instrument in helping lives to change for the better. What a powerful blessing that will be to those you come in contact with! I would love to hear more! I love you tons! Love your sister and one of your greatest fans ever - Verena
