Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013 Focus Point

Barriers, Opportunity, and Thanksgiving

"Character, not circumstance, makes the person." ~Booker T. Washington

"When Opportunity comes, it's too late to prepare." ~John Wooden

"Success is not where you are today, it is what you had to overcome to get there." ~Booker T. Washington

Barriers are of two kinds: Those that come along by themselves and those that we bring upon ourselves. In some cases you may not even have two consecutive days without some kind of barrier. The only person who has no barriers are those who do nothing. Anyone moving forward is going to face the challenge and resistance that comes as a reality of living in this amazing world. The difference in successful people that you and I can learn lessons from is that they overcome their setbacks and move forward anyway and in spite of them. They are overcomers they overcome the setbacks, barriers, and road blocks of life. They are successful not because they had less of them than the next guy or gal, but rather it is the attitude in which they approach them. The very setbacks that stops one person, for the motivated overcomer it becomes a stepping stone to higher ground and an opportunity to grow.

Think in your own life of some of the most rewarding times and successes that you have had. Were there challenges along the way? But you made it anyway! I guess in this case we should also give thanks for the barriers and roadblocks in life.

Every day each person on earth has new opportunities to grow, create, and become a better person more suited to assist others in their journey. This week I would like to give Thanks to the people in my life who inspire me to stand a little taller and to do a little bit more and who encourage me to become my best self.

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013 Focus Point

The Law of Timing

"When to lead is as important as what to do and where to go." ~John Maxwell

"The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves." ~Bob Proctor

"It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn." ~B. C. Forbes

"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get back up." ~Vince Lombardi

1- The wrong action at the wrong time leads to disaster.

2- The right action at the wrong time brings resistance.

3- The wrong action at the right time is a mistake.

4- The right action at the right time results in success.

I recently had a conversation with an individual who related an experience. It was a difficult time with lots of demands and pressures, and on top of all of that she was working towards getting licensed as a Real Estate Agent. One particular day found her exhausted and deflated. "Will I ever make it? Will I be able to pass the test?" You understand the normal questions that we ask ourselves when times get tough. She was about to give up on herself and her goal, but just then it happened. She answered a phone call from a person who was also working on her license at the same time. "Let's do it together." Together they studied, worked, traveled, and became great friends. Together they were able to pass the tests, become licensed, and accomplish their goals. What if this person's friend had put off calling for another week or two, the outcome may have been very different. The Law of Timing was at work.

In John Maxwell's book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership we see that the law of timing is what led Jimmy Carter to be President of the United States. In 1976 Americans were ready for new blood, and a new view and voice for Government. January 20, 1977 James Earl Carter was inaugurated as the 39th President of the United States. But as the window of timing came, it also went away. In the 1980 election, Carter faced a devastating defeat in that he won only 49 electoral votes against Ronald Reagan's 489. Maxwell believes that with Carter's lack of experience and tenure in politics that his initial win in 1976 was a remarkable point in the timing in America and that at no other time would he have even had a chance.

The Law of Timing is real, and at work in our lives.

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013 Focus Point

Character, Integrity, and Service

"My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." ~John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961

"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." ~Nathan Hale

"Duty is never worthily performed until it is performed by someone who would gladly do more, if only they could." ~Unknown

"Real character and real integrity is found in the things that you do when you think that no one else is watching." ~Stephen Covey

When we think of those who are our Veterans we think of Service. We think of Commitment, Discipline, and Character. I am so thankful for our country, I think of the lyrics of an old song: "I am proud to be an American where...... I know I am free." I am so thankful for those brave men and women who have given so much, who have given of their time and a portion of their life to serve our country. To protect and ensure our freedoms. As the song continues: "I will gladly stand up." Thanks to each of you my fellow Americans who Stood Up. As we know, all gave some. And some gave all. The ultimate gift and sacrifice that anyone can give.

This week: Salute your country's flag and thank a Veteran. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013 Focus Point

Let Go of Discouragement, Setbacks & Offenses

"Remember you will not always win. Some days, the most resourceful individual will taste defeat. But there is, in this case, always tomorrow - after you have done your best to achieve success today." ~Maxwell Maltz

"Yesterday ended last night." ~John Maxwell

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." ~Winston Churchill

Discouragement can get the best of all of us at times, the feeling that you cannot go forward another step. In John Maxwell's new book Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn, we gain understanding that: Even though losses and setbacks really hurt and are not pleasant, they actually become our opportunities to gain some of our most valuable insight and the necessary direction to move forward even stronger.

When you get bumped around by someone else either on purpose or by accident, do you act or react? Robert Rohm states the following: "I see people every day, especially in traffic, who just do not let anybody get away with anything. They are ready for offenses to come so they can react in a way that lets other people know that they won’t tolerate being treated that way." There really are multiple opportunities to get offended on a daily basis. Maybe the real questions are: Do we give people the benefit of the doubt? Do we remember that even though they may say or do the wrong thing, they really meant to both say and do the right thing? Do we act or do we react? Easy concept to grasp and more difficult to apply.

Friday, November 1, 2013

November 2013 Leadership Connect

Change Your Paradigm And Get Results That Stick!
How is their: Attitude, Relationships, and Willingness to be a Team Player?

"All things are difficult before they become easy." ~Persian poet Saadi

" Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." ~Henry Ford

"How do you have motivated people? Hire those who are motivated themselves." ~Unknown

When you are interviewing people or bringing them on staff, always check the attitude first. You need someone with skill and attitude both, but if they do not have the attitude it will not matter how good their skills are. They may not be the quality you are looking for. If they have a great attitude but lack some of the skill, well, then you can teach and train them in those areas, and a person with a good attitude will also be more likely to be teachable.

Another important area to consider when bringing someone on staff is how are they at working with people? Studies show that 85% of success in life and in work, is directly related to a persons ability to work well with other people. In other words they are able to connect and work effectively with others. They have a sense of what needs to happen in order to work smoothly with their team, resolve conflict, and accomplish the company's mission. Only 15% of success in work relate to skills.

Next area is teamwork. When I think of teamwork, I think of a group of individuals who have many differences in their skills, talents, interests, personalities, and so on. But they are one in purpose, vision, and commitment. Being different as individuals, but the same in purpose and commitment now makes a group of people united as a team. As the saying goes; "You can lose with good players, but you cannot win without them." These are the kind of people who are adding value to co-workers, supervisors, and the company. They are the kind of people who pick up trash off the floor on their way out to lunch, they take ownership and responsibility. This is the person you want to hire.