Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013 Focus Point

April 15, 2013
Focus Point

Choose, Change, Create

I call these the 3 Good C's, we will discuss the 3 Bad C's another day.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to say yes to things? The door bell rings and we say yes, the telephone rings we say yes, to the local sports program we say yes, volunteer here, there, and everywhere, etc. you get the idea. It is easy to say yes. What is hard and takes courage is learning how and when to say no, learning what fewer but more important things truly fit into our highest priorities. Peter Druker said it best. "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."

1. Choose
I invite you to take a few minutes and review the last 7 days in your calendar and determine what items and activities that you should have said no to, which ones did not fit your highest purposes and that were less effective, and time burners. Also consider which items should have been delegated. This process helps us to become aware of where our time is going, and becoming aware is the very first step to making any sort of change.

2. Change
Now look ahead in your calendar over the next 7 days and in the same way eliminate and delegate. This action allows us to make changes and adjustments where needed. By doing this, we are looking for the very best activities and actions in the future days and weeks that we will invest our time in. The ones that only we can do and the ones that will best serve our purpose. Change involves unlearning many things, learning new things, and the creation of new habits.

3. Create
By becoming aware of our life, and where our time is going we can now become more focused on the work and action that will produce the results that we desire. I believe that we were created to create. See, it's not about doing more stuff, it's about doing the right stuff. It's not about over achieving, it's about super achieving. Peter Druker also said, "Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things." Can I ask you two questions? What are your two or three strategic priorities? And, is the action that you take each day leading towards these priorities?

This week lets you and I Choose, Change, and Create. Let's create the life that we were born to Love!

Remember. Whatever it takes you can learn.

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