Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013 Focus Point

August 12, 2013
Focus Point

Plan, Do, Check, Adjust (PDCA)

Thank you for reading the message this week. Whether you are the president of a company, run a small business, perhaps you are a leader in your company or part of a team within the company that has a great vision and purpose, or maybe you are retired from your work altogether, or work and build with people in your community or in political matters. Maybe you are a leader in your church. Regardless of your station in life, or the project at hand, I believe that the ideas here will assist anyone in accomplishing big important tasks in life.

Planning: Prior planning prevents poor performance, right? Planning is such a necessary step to an effective project. From my experience some people are gifted in planning and effective preparation. While others are more gifted in the doing. But the most successful people are balanced in both areas. They take the time and energy to plan properly, but they also don't fall in love with it so much that they want to stay there and keep planning to put off or delay the doing. At the same time they know that by jumping directly into action may cost more time, energy, and resources down the road because of the high chances of poor performance that are most certain to come from the lack of planning. Brilliant ideas that come to a person is no substitute for lack of planning and preparation.

Doing: Is the action that must take place in order to move the project forward.

Checking: I believe that this step is absolutely vital. There is no real sense pursuing something that is not working effectively. By checking on progress and exactness you become aware of what needs to change in order to become even more effective.

Adjusting: Is to actually put the changes into effect. If you feel the same way I do, you value your time, energy, money, and resources. The more quickly you can identify and make needed changes, the quicker you can meet your standard of excellence.

To consider this week: Do I PDCA my Life?

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