Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014 Focus Point

Become SHARP In Your Communication

"You can always teach a hungry person how to become sharp, but you can never teach a sharp person how to become hungry." ~Les Brown

"The pen is mightier than the sword, if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp." ~Terry Pratchett

"The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism." ~Norman Vincent Peale

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept." ~Ansel Adams

Many years ago, well known motivational speaker Les Brown, gave a message on being hungry and sharp. He explained that being hungry is the desire to learn and grow. It describes commitment to develop and use the tools that you have been given in life to make your life more meaningful and worthwhile. People who have this desire are much more likely to fulfill their potential and experience greatness. But, he said that "Desire on it's own is not enough, we also need to be sharp."

Below are specifics that we can practice to become sharp in all our communication.

Share a story and make a point
Analogies or illustrations
Pictures - both verbal and written

Excellent communicators are effective in Sharing a story and making a point. They involve Humor in their communication. Humor possibly more than anything else keeps us young at heart. When we laugh, endorphins flood our body and cause us to be and feel healthier. Laughter is indeed like a medicine. Analogies and illustrations help people to form a better visual in their minds and remember what has been said for a longer period of time. References bring credibility to your communication. Pictures always stay with people longer than words. Like the old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Pictures can offer a bit of a road map for people to follow.

When is the next time you will communicate direction, instruction, or specific detail to someone?

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