Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 19, 2014 Focus Point

Change Is A Good Thing!

"Change your thoughts to match you values, change your attitude to clarify your perspective, change your priorities to sharpen your focus." ~John Maxwell

"Change starts with you, but it does not start until you do." ~Tom Ziglar

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." ~Wayne Dyer

"You cannot become who you need to be by remaining who you are." ~Maxwell Maltz

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." ~John Wooden

In late 1999 as the turn of the century was approaching, there was much debate on who may have been the top 100 most influential people over the past one thousand years. The list was selected and then worked down to one person. That's right, the number one most influential person who lived over the past one thousand years. Any guesses? The name is Johannes Gutenberg the inventor of the printing press.

Just think of it, the invention of the printing press would change the world and every person who ever lived upon it from that time forward. This was the beginning of the era of enlightenment which meant that the use of books, reading, and gaining knowledge would be available to the common man and woman. Up until this time the important papers and documents were held in the hands of the powerful religious and powerful political. The result of his work changed the entire world, but the result only happened after many changes to his method which led to the end result. If he had not made change, how could he ever effect change?

I am a dealer in hope, ideas, and concepts. When the "light turns on" in the human mind there is no limit to the possibilities. When we make the necessary changes in our thinking, action, and habits, it leads to making positive changes in the lives of others, just like the printing press.

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