Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014 Focus Point

Live with Hope. Expect Success. Expect Abundance!!

"You begin by always expecting good things to happen." ~Tom Hopkins

"Hope is a waking dream." ~Aristotle

"Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future." ~Robert H. Schuller

It may seem a bit strange to talk about hope and positive expectations in a world where we know that bad things happen. But as I have given thought to this subject, why not expect and hope for good things to happen? Why not believe that good things will come our way? Certainly we should prepare ourselves for times of difficulty. Nothing can take the place of proper planning and preparation. But when I see people actually expecting bad things to happen to them it is as if they bring it upon themselves. Then they wonder why life is so hard and why they continue over time to spiral out of control.

I once heard a saying: "We do not get in life what we deserve, we get what we expect." We get what we believe about ourselves. We get what we hold on to in our hopes, desires, and aspirations. I believe that although there are many things in life that we cannot control completely, if we choose to focus within the areas that we can control, it gives us power over most of our future circumstances in life. As such we can begin to direct our life through positive expectation and action. In other words we choose to see and go after the good things and give the bad things very little attention. We focus our thoughts and energy on what we can control rather than on what we cannot control. Stephen Covey taught this concept as the locus of responsibility or control. It is true and it works.

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