Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014 Focus Point

Experience It to Know It!

"If you know, yet do not do, you do not know." ~Oie Osterkamp

"The only source of knowledge is experience." ~Albert Eintein

"Experience is the teacher of all things." ~Julius Caesar

Many people proclaim that they want to do certain things because of what they know it will bring to their life. Take exercise for example. Everyone knows that physical exercise on a regular basis will bring more health, longer life, higher level of energy, etc. Yet what percentage of people actually take the intellectual knowledge of exercise and apply it and make it experiential? It is fact that even most New Year's resolutions only last 17 days.

It is easy to talk the talk and so much harder to walk the walk. However until the talk becomes walk the fruitful reward will not be realized. As a coach and a trainer I hear people say things like: "Yeah, yeah, I know that already". I do not question that they know it intellectually, but what a vast difference it is to know the same thing from actually experiencing the benefits. This experience comes only from the doing and nowhere else. Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge, or knowledge applied in positive action.

My challenge this week is to pick one good thing that you would like to do, and know you should do but just have not been fully committed yet, and try it for 30 days. Go for it and put your heart and commitment into this new discipline and eventually a habit will develop and you will begin to realize the benefit that it brings.

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